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Gourmet Shops

Ursula Empress, 23564 Lübeck, Ruebenkoppel 1


the Management of

Company Karstadt AG

Luebeck/ Essen

Luebeck, 12 Feb. 2002

Free English translation on 9 October 2021.


The German-language document you may find here!

2019* If there were no such great famines and no such great misery in the world, then my person would also have no objections to a gourmet shop. If there were only sensible and good toys for the children, then my person would also have absolutely no objection to the toy shops, even if children from distant countries had no toys available*!

Dear Gentlemen of the Karstadt AG Management, Dear Responsible Gentlemen,

You too will certainly have been informed of the truth of the existence of your Authority.

However, if the situation is still different, please enquire about your Authority at the Luebeck Health Inspectorate as soon as possible.If you have been correctly informed, please keep the department stores' Karstadt Luebeck AG closed this evening until further notice and ensure that no employees or persons will be  on the premises or in the vicinity of the aforementioned building. (Breite Straße, Schrangen,......)

The presumption is that, as your Empress has already announced, an iron fist will strike your gourmet shop.*** However, you will not be provided with an excavator for the clean-up work. After all, you didn't even need to have at least the bobbycars or toy cars mentioned by your Empress taken out of circulation.

Now it is primarily the Luebeck citizens  who will learn what it means to work and serve, and some of them will certainly do so on their knees. You may distribute sturdy gloves and use them yourselves, since your shop was largely built of glass. Now the rubble and ashes will have to be loaded onto the trucks by your own physical strength, so that such a thing can never happen again.

Should you act contrary, then you must expect that one shop after the other will be smashed and then you will certainly not be able to get out of the rubble.

P. p. Empress

Please have the Toys-R-us shops inspected as well, with professionals working at the cash registers and on the sales floor, such as people from the health department, social workers and people from the medical profession.

22 January 2019*** / 21 June 2021* Now it does not necessarily and exclusively have to be a shop in Luebeck that feels the seriousness of the situation through the iron fist; it can also definitely hit Dubai or Washington D. C., for example, so that everyone worldwide can understand that it is not about a big game that should be won!

It may well be a wishful thinking on my part, but it would be a clear announcement that should be addressed to all gourmet shops worldwide.