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Oscar Award

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany 

To the Association of Private Broadcasting

and Telecommunication e. V.


Luebeck, Wednesday, January 14th, 2004

Oscar Award

CC/ Distributor to the right places! Please, let this letter be translated into many languages and be handed over to the right persons.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Lords!

Today is again Thursday and time for a thunderous letter that calls not only for reflection but also for action. Since my person likes to watch American and German-Austrian feature films from the 50s* in order to be able to immerse myself in normality for a short time, I notice a lot in comparison to today's films, which is not so readily acceptable and certainly not without consequences.

Even then, glamour, mica and luxury were often shown in film or on the screen, and not much has changed in relation to today.
However, the art of acting has changed, which has become unsurpassable; even young children aged 4, 5-7 years can cry and act in front of the camera so truthfully and then you just have to talk about more than a talent; then* one must already speak of a grace. 
Only one thing makes me wonder; it is the multitude of gifted actors who will surely have gone through the entire acting practice as children, as teens and teenagers, in order to be able to slip into the role of another, especially as adults.
Now I personally don't know any professional actors, but only those* through the entertainment shows or events on TV and have noticed with some that they carry some of their current role with them.

Even in the family circle and on the street you can already see that some family series have been seen and left their mark, because talented for acting are more people than one even suspects.
The whole hustle and bustle of prestige and luxury has been led in one direction by the media and has basically made something quite strange out of human, awakening desires and longings that have long since mixed with the subconscious, which the advertising has clearly recognized and so many people often do not even know why they are restless, depressed and looking for recognition and something permanent and persistent, which no one can take away from them, with the animal increasingly is playing a leading role.

If one watched the contemporary films (in 2004), one really notes, that the films will normally be very expensive in the production, since action by partial real scenes of explosions of the mountains with visible fallen heavy rocks, through explosions of buildings, house concatenations and even whole islands too, by natural catastrophes and burning oil slicks, by cyclones and tear off roofs, by aircraft crashes and forest fires, through flood and dyke breaks, car accidents, atomic mushrooms the may be able to shown, through destroyed landscapes and very much more, so one must think, that actual in this order of magnitude the environment is destroyed like seen.

Sometimes my person wonders if the directors are making more and more work with dynamite and whether a huge oil slick could have really been created just for the film; also one could almost believe that some filmmakers needed a small forest fire in order to get good scenes with good actors on the screen or in the box, although usually rather from a staging or through the many technical possibilities as by the digital applications, those scenes will be set.
Bridges are blown up, a cable car breaks down and crashes into the depths, trains derail and collide, ships sink, the air is colored by clouds of fog and much, much more, but the best is yet to come!
According to the Empress, the earth and the environment very often pay the real bill and all this only because the viewers spend a lot of money on the entertainment industry.

The entertainment media offer a huge purchasing power and a huge potential through action, violence, horror and sex. A very tremendous spending power stays behind it and a very tremendous potency is offered through action, power, horror and sex by the conversation medias. It became a secure business since the earth and the environment can not resist against that, even no one can make demands and states in this regard, that the one or others in actual fact has caused a forest fire for his film in order to take favorably one or several thrilling natural pictures for the spectators in the chest and if the pictures are not equally perfect, the whole is repeated simply, till it is good enough for the people and a pricing.

Not only does my person have the suspicion of such environmental destruction on a large scale, but according to my observations and my knowledge of human beings, one is already at least including the well-wishers who will also be composed of the actors, still to lead on in the next sphere.
It is about a German-language film, which was also cast with well-known German actors and played in small villages in Africa.
One scene showed the colourful hustle and bustle of local African villagers, where people bought and sold in the marketplace.
At that moment, a rifle was ambushed in order to kill one of the main actors. The German actors are already top, certainly also by their philosophy of life, but the Africans have overshadowed even the most gifted of all actors, because as real and truthful as an African fatally hit by a bullet and was about to understand this, because it was probably not a played scene, but probably a real shot, and everyone else was literally running for their lives, my person has never seen before as an incomprehensible shock of a dying person in a film.

I did not know that Africans are so talented and gifted in this regard. According to the script, another elderly man was also fatally injured on a ladder car, but the first frozen look and the terrifying seconds that lay between the outcry of a black foreign-speaking African woman was exceptionally.
Although such dramatic scenes are usually exhausted, the German actor couple was shown outside the house shortly afterwards, with the woman's screaming and complaining still to be heard in the backgrund.

What struck me, however, was that the German lead actor, when he was injured by a previous fight, played this scene differently than he usually does. It was a very well replayed scene, which was also successful through the scenes that had just been seen and probably actually happened.

It was like a slap in the face for me, as if I were just under vertery and stupid spinners. Fear of backward spinners came over me through this film, because the actors also have nothing more than the Oscar in mind and want nothing more than to be recognized among peers, which is then also due to a large contingent via TV to can be delivered to all those involved with a tearful thank you; especially the thanks go to those to whom one owes a big name.

After all, a work of art has been created that could go down in history. I have great doubts about this, because my person has a very unusual mistrust of people who have the urge to go public under a certain motivation, and especially when it comes to acting. 

Since I hadn't seen the film from the beginning, I wanted to write down the title of the film, because I decided that these people should not have died in vain or for nothing. When I read the title, I got even worse and my suspicions were reinforced.
This film ran last year, the date, the title and the station I also noted and the approximate time, but I know that the crime can also lead to crimes, especially since this said association would have enough means to have let to disappear all the witnesses and for this reason my person will not be able to provide any information.
I very much hope that I was wrong, because to err is human, but it is very rare for me to make allegations and suspicions that are completely unfounded.

The lead actor and the leading actress both moved at a lofty level; especially the main actor was so good that the way to the next step to turn the game scenes into reality was there!

Never before my person did get the unintelligible shock of a dying human being in a film so genuinely. I did not know at all, that the Africans are talented and inspired in this regard as in the pronounced manner.

"Also according to the film script a further old man was brought as a fatal injured person on a handcart to his relatives, yet the first paralyzed look and the reaction time, those was between the scream of a black foreign-language African, was extraordinary.

Although normally such dramatic scenes may be exhausted, it was shown immediately the German actor pair outside before the house, however the shouting and lament of the woman was still heard.

What I noticed in addition was, that the German leading actor, when he was hurt by a preceded fight, played this scene differently than it is as usual in such a case. It was a very good played scene, that had also succeeded through the scenes seen before and no doubt through a real death.

That all was then for my person like a stroke into the face, so as if I would exist exclusively between moving nuts and go dotty kooks.

Fear of go dotty ones overcame me by this film since the actors have nothing other more than the Oscar in their minds and nothing is requested more ardently, then to have been recognized from subject colleagues, what through a big pool of players via TV then is transferred too with a big “Thank you” under tears to every person concerned, especially goes the “Thank you” to those ones, which one owes a great name. One finally managed a work of art, which would be able to come in the history."

Great doubts come me up in this connection, since my person has a very unusual mistrust compared to people, those have the urge to want to go under specific motivation in the public and all the more, if it is a question of the show game.

Since I had not seen the film from the beginning, I wanted to now write down also the title of the film, since I have carried out, that these people should not have died for nothing or in vain. When I then read the title, there I felt even worse and my suspicion was still confirmed.

This film ran in the last year, the date, the title and the sender are noted also the rough time but it is known, that crime follow suit crime especially, since this said association would sufficiently have averages and ways to do away with all witnesses and for this reason, my person will be not able to make information.

I very much expect, that I was mistaken because we all make mistakes but it only happens very rarely, that my person set up contentions and suspicions which are completely unfounded.

The lead and the leading lady both moved in a stand out level, especially the lead was so good, that the way for the nearest step was there, it is the step to want to move the story into the reality.

Yes, we all have already come presumably so far, watching on our eyes, how the environment is wrecked and destroyed and even how some ones were sacrifices for good scenes in order to entertain the large public with Africans, those can not speak our language.

My person will certainly be the only one who watched and paid attention correctly again, you sick PEN club, you!

Who guaranteed actual, that not already in older films, especially the made films in the African steppe or in the primeval forest, the native were killed only for the films, while those ones put themselves at disposal as a porter or a warrior in the films to get something for return. Not at least they must die quite aimed through set against wild and dangerous animals or thrusts with a knife or through bow and arrow, poison and shots. No one would ask about an African from the primeval forest, no one would ask about individual locals and tribesman or tribeswomen since they often are registered nowhere, they can not linguistic notify with others and it is often not very unusual, if an African do not have the nearest day anymore.

Who guarantees, that not already young ambitious actresses, they have gone under a pseudonym to Hollywood making a career there, yet not real are violate and killed before an open camera in a manner and nobody had asked after them!?

Who guarantees, that not even further regarded crews will go to Africa with film outfits, in order to put the steppe into fire there and in order to include some Africans in their real action scenes, perhaps to get through it still a little pocket money in order for the organ transplantations, with it they can produced by name of the art and culture even more and even better films ?

You and people like you will now guarantee therefore when you will notice all these films yourselves and when you the shared people will let suspend immediately.

You and people like you will guarantee, that these films and further thriller may be none produced anymore. End is now here with businesses of the entertainment industry, since no one seeming can keep its and others boundaries anymore!

End is now with the dreams to want to become a star and to have become famous. My person is going to remove your dangerous toy as fast as only possible. Afterwards the Empress will let hit you the behind besides for you, too! 

It possibly have been not always only the terrorists or youthful fire raiser lately, it quite simply have been possibly sick film makers, those were look-up after money and the Oscar!

"Yes, we have probably already come to this; everyone is watching the environment being demolished and destroyed before our eyes, and even Africans who cannot speak our language being sacrificed for good scenes to entertain the large audience.
Surely my person will again be the only one who has paid attention and watched correctly, you sick PEN-Club, you!
Who actually guarantees that not already in the older films, especially those shot in the African steppe or in the jungle, the locals, who have made themselves available for the film as carriers or warriors against a merit, not also deliberately killed by incited wild and dangerous animals or by stabbings as well as by bow and arrow, poison and shots for the film?! *
No one would ask for an African from the jungle; no one would ask for individual locals and old tribes, as they are often not registered anywhere, cannot communicate linguistically with others, and it is very often not uncommon to not experience the next day as Africans.
Who guarantees that even young ambitious actresses who have gone to Hollywood under an artist's name to make a career there, haven't been raped and killed in front of the camera and no one has asked for them. Is!?!

Who guarantees that more well-respected working troops with film equipment will not go to Africa to set the steppe on fire and to involve some Africans in their real action scenes and perhaps to the organs available there to pocket a nice piece of money so that even more and even better films can be made in the name of art and culture?
You and your peers will now guarantee this by watching all these movies and letting the people involved lock them up immediately! You and your peers will guarantee that these films as well as no other psychological thrillers will be produced. 
The end is now with the business in the entertainment industry, because here apparently no one can keep to his and the limits of others! The end is now with the dreams of wanting to become famous and to become a star. 

"My person will take away your dangerous toy as soon as possible and also give your butt a good thrashing! Perhaps it wasn't just the terrorists or young arsonists in recent times, it was probably simply sick filmmakers who were looking for money and the Oscar!"

Ⅰ. A. Empress

It's not that nice to get the Oscar again, especially if one also has a double; you can take it from me!

HP: No one is the judge of another, if these abysses will open up!

March 2017 / September 2019

On behalf of Empress

The animal gets more and more frequent

a title role. 

It is not so beautiful to get the OSCAR, especially not then, if one might to has a double too, that gladly you can take it from me!

Document checked on 5 Sept. 2024.