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Cheap election promises

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck

To the USA

To the secular Leadership in the Matter

To the Royal Danish Ambassadors

To all Readers

The German-language document you may find here!

Germany, Luebeck, 30 August 2024

My person can also be ‘cheap’, but doesn't have to be!

Dear Readers, Dear Sirs,

Today is another gloomy day that calls my person to the desk. However, this desk is not made like a normal desk, which would actually belong in a castle, but it is ‘Made in China’, but made of solid light-coloured wood from trees in Asia.

Unfortunately, the wood is extremely fragile and the desk has more the shape of a kitchen table from the German 1950s with three different drawers and handles, as if made for a housewife. Even my ‘ manager's chair’ is not made of upholstered soft leather with a headrest or height-adjustable, but is a hand-woven rattan chair ‘made in Africa or Asia’.

This hasn't always been the case over the years, but at the end of the day, my workplace has proven to be practical and profitable for me in this way, as on some days it can almost be paradise on earth.

It would probably also have been presumptuous towards Creation if my person, as a representative and manager in the ‘ matter of heaven’, were already in a castle, even though masses of people are starving or being aborted and wars are raging in the world. In addition, of course, the Creator of heaven and earth will to a large extent be in a ‘war zone’ himself, which could be extremely dangerous, as has already been described several times on the Internet.

However, what applies to my person may or may not apply to the King and the Emperor, as the part of the Lord and Creator left behind on earth also belongs to the management and thus represents the matter on earth and must be protected by means of Authorities, which also includes a Queen!

In addition, there are natural and different characteristics of man and woman, whereby in the extremely dangerous matter a woman has the better starting position, on the one hand to be able to protect her husband and on the other hand to go to the front as part of the Authority and to fight in order to support Creation in the matter and to attack the technically living opponent(s).

Every good war leader goes to war himself or goes to the front and leads his army to victory, which may already have been done to a large extent in the matter and on behalf by the Authority, who consists of three people, but the progress in the matter will not be clearly regulated.

To the best of my knowledge, this ‘extreme story’ is not to be found in the Bible and even in the last book of the New Testament, in the Revelation of John, the dragon with the persecuted woman and her son is only hinted at and the devil is the generally identified opponent of the woman. The Revelation of John ends with a prophetically hopeful message, but one that is more generally understandable in relation to the victory over evil or the devil, and this happens through the return of humanity. According to Revelation, one could think that evil will be repaid through the seven plagues on earth and will be defeated in the end through the repentance of mankind and faith in God and his Church.

With around eight billion people, the repentance of mankind is somewhat difficult even with the help of ‘heaven’ and therefore high-tech must be the tool that must spread quickly and become mobile!

The tool is also the human being himself/ herself as a living part of Creation, and this too should not be underestimated, because the more people are created, the more different tools are available to the Creator and are available for Creation.

Unfortunately, almost every person in capitalist countries has been confronted with high technology and this often happens several times before birth through ultrasound examinations. Of course, it is most disastrous when the human being is recognised and registered by ultrasound in its early stages in the womb and is killed by an abortion and subsequently lost.

The Creator now lacks precisely these tools and Creation lacks precisely this perfect life in the ‘planned place’; it has not arrived where it belongs or is planned, but is somewhere else!

As a Hindu, for example, one would probably say, we now let things take their course, because it will come anyway, as it has already been determined. In this case it would be the hopeful message of Revelation at the end of the last book in the New Testament. As a Christian, you could also pray for world peace, pray for the hungry, pray for health and pray for God's help and his saving hand. But as a Christian, you should also remember the values and laws given by God and think about why the seven plagues had to come and how a repentance of humanity can be made possible when the tools for tourists and tourism itself are obviously available or have obviously been given to people or made possible.

In addition, there is the called and existing Authority, which points to a very certain end of the world, especially when a woman becomes public, who gives very clear and unmistakable signs. This not only means the end, but also that these unsightly representations or signs are to be understood as a warning.

If a warning is given by an ‘instrument of heaven’ in whatever way, especially if it is a woman as the hammer, then there will be opportunities for a new beginning for the world and for every human being, otherwise there would be no need for a strange warning from a woman to precede it. At the same time, a loud call from a woman signifies the last chance for humanity and a call to action or activities, in that not only the ‘heavens’ have been alerted and called to act, but people in particular have also been called to take responsibility.

And if this woman with a hammer is already working on the construction for the partner-swapping of the wedding couples, then it can be expected that other tools will be on the way or at work at the same time so that the forerunners of humanity, the Americans, can also be put in their place without delay.

Winning an American election campaign by playing high stakes with the life of an unborn human being at the highest cost by promising unpunished abortions at the high cost of Creation, which cannot even defend itself, is a very pathetic tragedy of a candidate and a party.

Even more pathetic are mainly the Roman Catholic clergy in the USA, from whom nothing or not much has been heard in this regard. Presumably Pope Francis has made a public statement about this, but that's it and so these cowards of the clergy could once again hide well behind their ‘boss’!

For this reason, our holy church in the USA should be completely closed for the time being so that no more shenanigans can be played with our Lord God!

In this and other ways, one can only hope that the hyped-up American people will be taught a lesson that this sick people will never be able to forget, so that other peoples will also obey immediately, for everyone is realising very quickly the writing on the wall!

After that, you as Americans will also have to immediately vacate or restore your habitable castles in accordance with the requirements of the matter and set them up for the groups of people mentioned in my homepages and, like every other country, also join the matter and the commission of the Lord and Creator under the leadership of the Authorities without objection in accordance with reality.

Our true King and his Queen belong, as befits their status, in a secure and magnificent castle by a river or lake, our true Emperor and actually also my person, his Empress, also belong, as befits their status, in a cosy castle with a lake, but at least one of the persons of Authority, the Empress, must probably go to the front, if at the same time the Authorities or the Creation are left behind, secure and unharmed, as befits their status, in order to take over the government of all peoples as King and take up a difficult office.

Yours sincerely

Ursula Sabisch, Empress

HP: My person would not like to go on world travels, but my person will not be completely alone and will no longer be able to do otherwise! Surely there will still be a precious old legacy, which will probably be found in the Egyptian region as a clear confirmation in the matter!